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The Registration Process
The total cost per attending team is 500 SEK, which will cover lunches on Saturday and Sunday, snacks throughout the entire tournament, and administrative costs. This amount needs to be paid to kontonummer 5694 05 869 03 and marked with the team name (e.g. HDS) for the registration to be completed.
Each team must consist of three to five debaters. Each debating society can send up to three teams. Novice teams are welcome, but need to be marked as such in the registration form.
Each team must bring at least one adjudicator. We welcome adjudicators of all levels and will be holding an encompassing adjudicator training session on the morning of Saturday 17th. If, for some reason, your team cannot find an adjudicator to send, please contact us immediately.
Any debaters or adjudicators that request supplementary material in preparation for the tournament can contact us.
Registration closes on Thursday, 1st of October.
Every team (NB: team, not society) needs to fill in the registration form linked below:
We look forward to seeing you!